On assignment for Looper.com, Tim talked with “Thanksgiving” writer-director Eli Roth about the faux “Grindhouse” trailer-turned movie.
Recalling how the film version was set in motion, Roth said, “Over the years, the fans kept nagging me, but we had no story. Once we saw the Black Friday trampling videos that were going viral, [we thought about it]. Every year, there were videos of these superstores and their midnight Black Friday sales of people who, a few hours earlier, were so thankful but now wanted to crush each other to death for a waffle iron. That was when we said, ‘There’s something really here. This is fertile ground.’ It gave the movie a theme and a reason to exist, and that’s when it started in earnest.”
Click HERE to read the entire interview.

Tim Lammers reviews movies weekly for the “Tom Barnard Morning Show Podcast,” “Adam & Jordana” with Adam Carter and Jordana Green on WCCO Radio, “It Matters with Kelly Cordes” on WJON-AM, KLZZ-FM, “The Tom Barnard Podcast” and “The BS Show” with Bob Sansevere, and reviews streaming programming on WCCO Radio’s “Adam & Jordana” as well. On TV, Tim has previously made hundreds of guest appearances on NBC affiliate KARE on the news program “KARE 11 News at 11” and hundreds of appearances on “The KQ Morning Show” with Tom Barnard on KQRS-FM.
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Click HERE to order the Tim Lammers eBook “Direct Conversations: The Animated Films of Tim Burton (Foreword by Tim Burton).