“Gemini Man” (PG-13)
Following the smashing success of Walt Disney’s “Aladdin,” where he got to play Genie in both magical and human form, Will Smith is once again getting the best of both movie worlds in “Gemini Man,” an exciting sci-fi action film where the 51-year-old Will Smith faces off against his younger, “Fresh Prince”-era self to impressive effect.
Smith stars as Henry Brogan, a tired and weary military-trained sniper who after more than 70 kills has decided to call it quits. But instead of living out the rest of his days on a fishing boat, Henry comes into crucial, classified information about his latest kill that attracts the attention of a cutting-edge military contractor led by his former commander and combat trainer, Clay Veris (Clive Owen), who orders a hit on his former protégé.
AUDIO: Hear Tim’s review of “Gemini Man” with Tom Barnard on “The KQ Morning Show” on KQRS-FM. Segment is brought to you by Michael Bryant and Bradshaw & Bryant.
The problem is, Henry is so skilled at what he does that Clay decides the only person who can outsmart Henry is himself, so he unleashes a clone of the former solider who is 25 years younger. Having raised the clone, Clay has dubbed Henry’s clone “Junior,” and taught him to exceed the skills that the older Henry has already mastered. There’s an X-factor though: Clay has raised a young man devoid of emotional damage and fear that has wracked Henry’s brain over the years, and he believes that the lack of such preoccupations will give Junior the leg-up in completing his deadly mission of killing his older self.
“Gemini Man” in less capable hands could have been reduced to a one-trick pony of a movie with the clone element, but thanks to the expert director Oscar winner Ang Lee, the film’s jaw-dropping, de-aging visual effects make for merely one of the many stunning elements that help the film rise above your standard sci-fi action fare.
AUDIO: Hear Tim’s review of “Gemini Man” with Paul Douglas and Jordana Green on “Paul and Jordana” on WCCO-AM. Segment is brought to you by Michael Bryant and Bradshaw & Bryant.
Lee’s direction is thrilling from the very start, as Smith teams with colleagues both old (Benedict Wong) and new (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) to stay one step ahead of hit squads and eventually, Junior, as they try to unravel the mystery behind the assassination attempt. Particularly impressive is the ingenuity that Lee brings to the film’s chase scenes, particularly a chase scene on motorcycles that employs invent shots (although the way Will survives the sequence is laughable). The film works on a cerebral level, too, as Henry literally stares mortality in the face as he battles head-to-head with Junior.
Even though “Gemini Man” likely won’t restore Will Smith to the sort of “King of Hollywood” status he enjoyed in the “Independence Day” and early “Men in Black” era of 20-plus years ago, there’s no question that the film will go a long way in keeping his career on track after the success of “Aladdin.” But as Genie, as entertaining as he was, Will was a supporting player. In “Gemini Man,” Will is back as the lead and then some.
Lammometer: 7.5 (out of 10)
Tim Lammers reviews movies weekly for “The KQ92 Morning Show,” WCCO Radio, WJON-AM, KLZZ-FM, “The Tom Barnard Podcast” and “The BS Show” with Bob Sansevere. On TV, Tim has made hundreds of guest appearances on “KARE 11 News at 11” (NBC).
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