Tim Lammers interviewed “Enola Holmes” director Harry Bradbeer for Looper.com, where he discusses his work with stars Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill and Helena Bonham Carter, and more. Click the links below to read the stories:
- Why Millie Bobby Brown was perfect choice to play Enola
- The real reason Henry Cavill was cast in ‘Enola Holmes’
- ‘Enola Holmes’ director talks putting a new spin on Sherlock
- Bradbeer on Helena Bonham Carter’s influence on ‘Enola’
- Q&A: ‘Enola Holmes’ director Harry Bradbeer
- Bradbeer on why you have to wait until 2035 for more ‘Fleabag’
Tim Lammers reviews movies weekly for “The KQ92 Morning Show” on KQRS-FM, “Paul and Jordana” on WCCO Radio, “It Matters with Kelly Cordes” on WJON-AM, KLZZ-FM, “Let’s Talk Movies with Tim Lammers” with Tim Matthews on KRWC-AM, “The Tom Barnard Podcast” and “The BS Show” with Bob Sansevere, and reviews streaming programming on WCCO Radio’s “Paul and Jordana” as well. On TV, Tim has made hundreds of guest appearances on “KARE 11 News at 11” (NBC).
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